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Motherboard UEFI Secure Boot Feature.

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Store-bought Windows 8 PCs may come with the new Secure Boot feature turned on in the motherboard's firmware. This is designed to restrict anyone or anything from tampering with the main boot programs, thereby making it harder for machines to be infected with boot time malware. The programs in the boot process are tagged with an encrypted key that is checked with the one held in the firmware, so any replacement bootmanager we wish to install will be blocked from running when it cannot present the correct digital key.

Secure Boot is probably a good idea on general PCs operated by the average PC user, which is 95 percent of us. For the tech-guys and enthusiasts and even just the security conscious it may not be essential and may cause problems that might find us wanting to turn if off. All Microsoft certified PCs are supposed to have an option in the BIOS (UEFI Firmware) to allow the secure boot feature to be disabled. Hence if there is no other current solution to a secure boot problem then individuals should be able to make their own choice about which feature they want to sacrifice.

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Until we get this page written we can only offer a few links from where you will have a bit of reading to do if you want to get to the heart of the matter.

info iconTechNet - Disabling Secure Boot. - Secure Boot Overview.

info iconProtecting the pre-OS environment with UEFI (and secure-boot)

info iconRod Smith - Dealing with Secure Boot

info iconMatthew Garrett - Secure Boot and Restricted Boot.
(just one of the many excellent articles on the subject to be found on Matthew Garrett's journal pages.)

There are so many different BIOS and UEFI configurations, styles and settings that we can only suggest you do a web search for information on particular machines. Here is an example from Acer on how and where to find some of their secure boot settings.

play icon www.youtube.com/watch - Acer How to disable secure boot
info iconAcer - How to Enable or Disable Secure Boot.





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